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Issa David

Issa David is employed at a medical software company based in Michigan. He has many responsibilities that include configuration & troubleshooting the servers that host the medical software; setting up client practices to use the software; and general hardware and software troubleshooting. During the past seven years of employment there, Issa has made client satisfaction one of his top priorities and goal. In order to help achieve this goal, a lot of work was done to streamline server deployment and to identify and fix issues to improve efficiency.

Issa holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Business Administration in Management from Baker College as well as an Associate’s Degree in Computer Networking, specializing in Microsoft Windows Server editions. He plans to continue his education in the computer field.

In the past, Issa has volunteered at the AAHC (Arab American Heritage Council) to help assist with any computer needs that needed to be addressed.


In his spare time, Issa loves to visit with his family and friends; and travel.